C O R P O R A T E   S O C I A L   R E S P O N S I B I L T Y

PAIRAN aims to operate its activities according to the 3 P’s (People, Planet, Profit) of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). CSR is also covered by the mission and vision of PAIRAN where sustainability is a central topic.

At PAIRAN, we calculate our Carbon Footprint on a yearly basis to determine the greenhouse gas emissions for our office (as our core manufacturing operations are in-itself carbon negative) and for travelling by car or where necessary by plane. We strive to make our company activities climate neutral as far as possible . The energy used by PAIRAN is generated by green energy sources and where ever possible the energy consumption is reduced. Low carbon travel is actively promoted, both for business purposes and commuting.

The development of employees and students is important to us. PAIRAN offers students of all educational levels the possibility to do an internship or write a graduation assignment throughout the year. PAIRAN is closely involved in making events sustainable . In this way PAIRAN tries to transfer its sustainable vision to third parties and to develop and realize renewable energy .